seed analyzing equipment
Our seed analyzers are frequently used in scientific work. Here is a catalog with links to the corresponding publications.
Breeding wheat for organic farming: Can the high grain protein gene Gpc-B1 help to tackle challenges in view of end-use quality?Journal of Cereal Science, November 2024
Cereal leaf beetle (Oulema spp.) damage reduces yield and is more severe when natural enemy action is prevented
Crop Protection, November 2024
Quantifying pre- and post-anthesis heat waves on grain number and grain weight of contrasting wheat cultivars
Olive mill wastewater as a source of defense-promoting by-products against microbial pathogens
Targeted mutations in the GW2.1 gene modulate grain traits and induce yield loss in barley
Influence of seven levels of chemical/biostimulator protection on amino acid profile and yield traits in wheatThe Crop Journal, August 2022
Uptake of hexavalent chromium by Lactuca sativa and Triticum aestivum plants and mediated effects on their performance, linked with associated public health risksChemosphere, March 2021
Are awns truly relevant for wheat yields? A study of performance of awned/awnless isogenic lines and their response to source–sink manipulationsField Crops Research, 1. September 2020
Sorghum and cowpea intercropping response to woody residue amendments in Sahelian agro-ecosystems of Burkina FasoGeoderma Regional, June 2024
Multi-trait assessment of wheat variety mixtures performance and stability: Mixtures for the win!European Journal of Agronomy, March 2025
Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance and agronomic traits in a hard winter wheat populationThe Crop Journal, December 2023
Achieving hybridisation between Miscanthus species: Commercially-scalable methods to manipulate flowering synchronisation and maximise seed yieldIndustrial Crops and Products, 1. November 2024
Characterization of wheat lacking B-type starch granulesJournal of Cereal Science, March 2022
Weight of individual wheat grains estimated from high-throughput digital images of grain areaEuropean Journal of Agronomy, March 2021
Field trials reveal trade-offs between grain size and grain number in wheat ectopically expressing a barley sucrose transporterField Crops Research, 1. August 2024
Photoperiod-1 regulates the wheat inflorescence transcriptome to influence spikelet architecture and flowering time Current Biology, 3. June 2024
Determining the spirit yield of wheat varieties and variety mixtures Journal of Cereal Science, July 2005
Use of advanced recombinant lines to study the impact and potential of mutations affecting starch synthesis in barleyJournal of Cereal Science, March 2014
Genome-wide association mapping reveals putative candidate genes for drought tolerance in barleyEnvironmental and Experimental Botany, December 2020
Alkylresorcinol composition allows the differentiation of Triticum spp. having different degrees of ploidy Journal of Cereal Science, September 2015
Are awns truly relevant for wheat yields? A study of performance of awned/awnless isogenic lines and their response to source–sink manipulationsField Crops Research, 1. September 2015
Evaluation of variability, heritability and environmental stability of seed quality and yield parameters of L. angustifoliusField Crops Research, 15. March 2015
Dynamics and genetic regulation of leaf nutrient concentration in barley based on hyperspectral imaging and machine learningPlant Science, February 2022
Lipophilic antioxidants in wheat (Triticum spp.): A target for breeding new varieties for future functional cereal productsJournal of Functional Foods, January 2016
Agronomic assessment of the wheat semi-dwarfing gene Rht8 in contrasting nitrogen treatments and water regimesField Crops Research, May 2016
Effects of variety and fertiliser nitrogen on alcohol yield, grain yield, starch and protein content, and protein composition of winter wheatJournal of Cereal Science, July 2008
Genetic dissection of grain elements predicted by hyperspectral imaging associated with yield-related traits in a wild barley NAM populationPlant Science, August 2019